How to take care of your mental health during a job search

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How to take care of your mental health during a job search

A job search is time consuming, “it is a job to get a job”. Weeks go by and you might not hear from any employer or you might be rejected. This is the time to re-evaluate your job search. At the same time, it’s important to separate your self-worth from the process to stay mentally healthy, focused and hopeful.

First of all, you are never alone. Millions of people around the world are looking for jobs and feeling the same emotions. Lean on your coach, a mentor, a trusted friend or family member. Second, don’t take anything personally but seek feedback so you can learn, improve, and move forward.

Three normal emotions during a job search are: fear, anxiety and doubt. These emotions have a purpose and it’s to keep you safe and be sure you are prepared.

FEAR says “I will get hurt” - you want to avoid harm and be safe.

ANXIETY says “I will get hurt but I don’t know from what” – you worry and try to figure it out.

DOUBT says “I don’t know what will happen if I do this” – you want to feel prepared.

Some days you will feel overwhelmed, tense, and frustrated. In those days, take a break so you can return refreshed and energized to continue working toward your career goals.

How can you deal with all these emotions and protect your mental health?

·      Exercise: try to stay active daily, it will boost your mood. Learn to meditate, it will reduce your stress level.

·      Connect: keep having conversations with people who work at your target industry, target companies and target roles. Find some mentors among them.

·      Talk: share your thoughts and emotions with family and friends, use your support network.

·      Mindset: stay present, open and positive

·      Relaxation: schedule time to take a break to replenish and continue your search

·      Partner with another job seeker: keep each other accountable

·      Achievement: keep track of your progress, celebrate small victories too

Tiny Daily Tips:

¨     To begin your Day: Establish a gratitude routine, perhaps as simple as just saying “I am thankful to be alive and healthy” or “I am grateful for all my loved ones”

¨     During the Day: Take small breaks and celebrate what you have accomplished, perhaps that phone call to network. Say “Yay, I did it!” Stay focused, joyful, and creative throughout your work day.

¨     To end your Day: Organize and prioritize your tasks for the following day. Walk away from the work area and disconnect. Do something fun: move, dance, breathe, listen to music while you cook.

If you are still feel overwhelmed, frustrated and depressed, seek help from your trusted loved ones and search for local mental health resources who can provide extra support.

Focus on the positive. Don’t give up. You are not alone. Keep trying.

Always feel free to reach out to me with any questions here.

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.

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