Unplanned Events

Career Unplanned Events

Unplanned Events

Life happens…

some people get laid-off,

others become sick,

many are disengaged,

other people go through some other transitions and challenges in their personal life

Transitions are a part of life.

Even though these transitions are hard and require time, they are opportunities to re-evaluate your life vision. It’s the time to think about what you do and who do you do it for. Is the impact you are making in your life and in the world: meaningful, stimulating, and aligned with your values?

Having a career vision answers to the question: who do you get to be at work? perhaps you are a helper, a healer, a designer, a builder…

Thinking about your life and career vision will allow you to become more satisfied. It also allows you to envision alternative plans.

While you are exploring and planning, you meet new people and perhaps get to go to new places since you have a little more time. Unplanned events can lead you to discover possibilities.

John Krumboltz, a career theorist, developed ideas about supporting clients in transition. He stated that “not knowing” is desirable and sensible. This theory is called planned happenstance. This theory is particularly relevant in this rapidly changing labour market.

Curiosity, persistence, flexibility, and optimism are personal characteristics that can help people deal with change.

If you want to explore this theory on your own, here is a great book:

Luck is no Accident: Making the most of Happenstance in Your Life and Career Al Levin and John Krumboltz

If you would like assistance exploring this theory and the new chapter of your career. I can assist you. Don’t give up!

Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.


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