Be a Tiger

Career Development

Be a Tiger

Yesterday, I saw a card with a beautiful picture of a tiger and it said “Summon courage and self-confidence”. The tiger looked like it was creating a new path. It made me think about our current circumstances and how we are each creating a new way of life.

While fear is a defense mechanism that protects us from danger, we can not live every day in fear. We must feel the fear, name the fear, and witness our reactions. We can’t enter the circle of negative talk, that impact us and those around us.

Where attention goes, energy grows. We must turn and then move into action.

The competition will be greater than ever, we need to be open and ready for change.

Change is the only way forward. Change allows us to grow and learn.

This is the time to release the fear of the unknown and to be positive.

  • Stay active in your LinkedIn network and groups (like, comment, share). Visit LinkedIn Learning

This is the time to skill up and keep learning, there are so many free opportunities for online learning!

  • I searched Udemy today and there were 6,947 “free” courses.

  • Free online courses from Harvard

Summon your courage and your self-confidence. This is the time to be a Tiger!

Always feel free to reach out to me with any questions here.

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.

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