Career Goals

Career Goals


Your ultimate goal is to gain employment or to be promoted or to start your career or change it. However, to achieve that goal you will have to set up smaller, stepping stones goals, to help you get here.

Goals are designed to help you gain clarity, to identify what is that you want to achieve and have a realistic plan with a deadline. A commonly used methodology is to develop and write SMART goals to help you achieve and stay on track.

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  • Write down your ultimate goal? ___________________________________________

  • Break it down in milestones and for each write down your SMART goals


What do you want to achieve?

Why is this goal important to you?


How can you measure progress?

How would you know that you have successfully met your goal?


Do you have the necessary resources?

Do you have the skills required to achieve this goal? Can you get training?

Do you have the motivation?

Are your efforts adequate to achieve this goal?

What else would you need?


Why are you setting this goal?

Is this goal aligned with your objectives?


What is your deadline?

Is it realistic?

For example:

Ultimate Goal: Have a professional LinkedIn profile you use for job searching and that can attract recruiters and potential employers

S: Complete a well written LinkedIn that accurately represent my brand and is attractive to potential employers

M: Review profile with a career coach and colleagues

A: Schedule time to review examples, incorporate keywords and accomplishments

R: A well developed profile can help me be more marketable, showcase my projects, use my voice to describe my value to employers

T: Complete in a week, review it the week after

If you need assistance setting up your SMART goals, please contact me. We can work together. Let’s get started!

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.

Explore—and make—a Career Change

