Explore—and make—a Career Change

Explore—and make—a Career Change

What if you landed in the wrong career?

If this is you, most likely you are feeling unfulfilled, drained, unhappy, guilty, embarrassed.

First of all, stop blaming yourself. Nothing is wrong with you. You are just in a path that no longer serves you.

You can learn from the past to create your future. Examine what you don’t like and translate it into something you do want. You wouldn’t be where you are if you didn’t have that contrast and there are always things that you’ve learned and you can transfer. Not all is wasted.


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Take a closer look at your current situation:

  • What is working or getting the results you desire? You want to do more of this, do it more frequently.

  • What is not working? How would you make changes to make them work? It could be that you need to prioritize your time or find an accountability partner.

  • Any change is going to require patience, effort, consistency, commitment and action.

  • You also want to keep track of your progress so you can look back and make improvements to your process.

  • and don’t forget to be proud of all of your past victories.


What can you do to find a better fit?

Be curious, explore your feelings and your unsatisfaction.

Think about your desires and dreams.

  • Who are you when you feel happy? What are you doing?

  • What are the moments when you feel energy building inside you?

  • What is happening when you feel alive? Why?

  • What about this activity do you like? (i.e. creating something for someone, building things for them, speaking to a group, etc.)

  • In what capacity are doing this activity? (i.e. are you a mentor, a teacher, a sales person?)


How would you know if you are making a good career choice?

Once you have identified some career choices:

  • do your research

  • compare career paths

  • read about the tasks and responsibilities; analyze how would you be spending your day

  • talk to people who are doing that job; what’s their insight?

  • What does your gut feeling tell you?

  • Is this job aligned with your career goals and values?

  • Is this job aligned with your job criteria (work environment, location/remote, salary and benefits, career potential, etc.?)

Change is always about reinventing a part of ourselves. Embrace change as a way of being, there is joy and fun in evolving and transforming.


If you are interested in a career clarity session, please contact me. We can work together. Let’s get started!

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.


Industry Research in the Job Search Process


Career Goals