Industry Research in the Job Search Process

Industry Research in the Job Search Process

Why Should You Care About Industries?

In the world of job hunting, understanding the concept of ‘industry’ is crucial. An ‘industry’ is a cluster of companies and organizations linked by a common purpose, whether it is producing food, software, health services, or energy.

Industry research illuminates which industries are on the rise and which on the decline in specific geographic areas or globally. This knowledge can guide you to find job opportunities, enabling you to tailor your job search to specific companies in thriving sectors.

You should also note that certain occupations can be found in various industries. Roles in IT, HR, sales, and administration, for example, are highly versatile and found across multiple industries. Keep your horizons broad and narrow down as you do your research.


How Can You Research Industries?

What kinds of products or services are you passionate about?

Which global challenges are you passionate about addressing?

Which particular demographic or group do you aspire to assist?

The answers to these questions can help you identify your industry of interest.

Browse a List of Industries

O*NET OnLine:

Career OneStop:

Companies’ websites

Do you have favorite companies that you follow? Check their “About Us” page – it’s like the heart of the operation.

Review: What sets them apart from the competition? What is unique about what they offer?

As you read, reflect on your own values and objectives – do the align with the company’s mission?

Research also any press release or financial statements to gain a deeper understanding of their position in the industry/community and their financial health.


Social Media

Find their various social media platforms, get a feel for their tone and style. This is a great way to understand who their audience is and how they interact with their followers. What are they talking/promoting/highlighting?


More Online Research

Yes, Google to learn more about businesses. Look at the first five pages of search results. Now, check those links. Use the information through the application process to tailor your resume and craft an impactful cover letter; use it to prepare for your interview and connect your experience with the company’s business goals.


Continue to Dig

It’s time to explore external sources too. Find reviews, read employees feedback and comments. People who have worked for a company talk about their experience, learn about their personal insights.


Go to LinkedIn

Go ahead and make some LinkedIn connections with those target companies. Follow them and keep a close eye on what they’re posting. Don’t be shy – like, drop some comments to show your interest, share their content.

Take a look at who’s already working there in your dream role. Do you have any connections in common? Build those bridges!


Discover the Competition and other Target Companies

As you deepen your research of a target company, keep your radar tuned for potential competitors. Sometimes, you might stumble upon other companies that catch your eye.

This is your chance to get a broader perspective on how various companies in the industry are tackling current challenges and initiatives. How are they responding to the unique issues in their market? What set their actions apart from the crowd of competitors?


Now use all of the above information to take a deep dive into how your qualifications and skills align perfectly with the desired position. Use those ideas into your application and interview materials.


Let your knowledge shine, understanding who the company is, where it’s headed, and the current industry trends will set you apart.

Hiring managers and recruiters will be impressed with your proactive approach.


If you need help with your industry research, please contact me. We can work together. Let’s get started!

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.

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