Dimension of Growth

Career Development

Dimensions of Growth

Career development is an ongoing process consisting of four main recurring steps: self knowledge, exploration, decision-making, and action.

  • What do you aspire to do?

  • What are you passionate about?

  • What is missing from your current role?

  • What types of career move do you want: upward, lateral or both?

We can simply think about the dimensions of our career growth as:

  1. the continuous development of skills through informal and formal learning

  2. the satisfaction of making an impact in an organization and its clients

  3. the fulfillment of having a great professional experience

  • When you think about your current experience:

    • Are you building new skills?

    • Does your job offer opportunities to expand your skills?

    • Can you participate in other teams or projects that allow you to learn something new?

    • Are you keeping current with what the industry needs?

    • Are you using your stronger skills?

    • Are you developing your other skills?

  • When you think about your professional impact:

    • it can be lateral - for example, if you stay in the same role but are helping the business expand markets and product lines

    • or it can be vertical - if you have taken a leadership role and are helping with the company’s vision and strategy

  • When you think about your overall career experience:

    • Are you enjoying its trajectory?

    • Are you still motivated each morning to get up and go to work?

    • Do you feel that you are helping solve the world’s problems that you are passionate about?

Being interested in learning and flexible to change is a mindset you need to have — one of growth. Once you are open to growth on different aspects of your career, you’ll discover your career path: different companies, industries, roles, functions, projects, etc

You’ll travel through various stages of development, spending more time in some than others. Enjoy the ride!

If you need help, I can assist you.

Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.


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