The Portfolio of Work
In today's dynamic job market, a diversified portfolio of work can be a powerful tool for career advancement.
Navigating Your Career
Navigating a successful career requires understanding the different phases of exploration, development, and management. Each step builds on the other, creating a pathway that helps you not only achieve your career goals but also find long-term fulfillment and success.
Skills-Based Hiring
Your skills are your greatest asset in the job market. By effectively showcasing them in your resume, cover letter, and interviews, you can craft a compelling narrative that highlights your value to potential employers.
The nature of a career
Our careers can be visualized as sculptures—each one representing the journey of professional growth, challenges, and achievements.
Strengths as Branding
Strengths-Based Personal Branding involves leveraging the insights from strengths-based career assessments to articulate the value of each strength.
Leadership, working as a Board Member
Board service offers a unique opportunity to engage in governance, decision-making, and strategic planning
The Second Interview
A second interview is a great sign that the employer is seriously considering you for the position.
Service in Your Career Journey
Integrating service experiences into your professional journey can enrich your skill set, expand your network, and open doors to new opportunities.
Show, Don’t Tell
Don't just tell employers about your skills and experience—show them how you've used your knowledge to make a real impact.
Revisiting the Role of Cover Letters
So, as you embark on your job search journey, don't underestimate the power of a well-crafted cover letter
Reflecting on Your Best Day at Work
As you reflect on your best day at work, consider the talents and themes that were at play.
Navigating Career Paths: A Warning on the Intersection with Mental Health
The better you tune into your body and mind's needs, the greater your chances of making career choices that pave the way for a happier and healthier future.
You can't improve upon what you're unaware of
Understanding your strengths and avenues for enhancement is pivotal in identifying fulfilling work opportunities and refining skills pertinent to your career trajectory.
Onboarding: be in charge
Move through the early weeks and months of a new job with a feeling of confidence, be in charge of your own onboarding.
Recruitment: 4 seasons
Is there a best time of the year to look for a new job or advance your career?
Career Coaching
Coaching can help you through the career development process. A career coach can provide advise, support, encouragement, accountability, resources and help you practice to get ready for interviews or salary negotiations.
Dimension of Growth
Career development is an ongoing process consisting of four main recurring steps: self knowledge, exploration, decision-making, and action.
Career Plan
Your personalized development plan will help you to identify specific, achievable career goals and then design and implement strategies to reach your goals.