Recruitment: 4 seasons
Recruitment: 4 Seasons
The recruitment cycle has 4 seasons, general patterns occur each year. They are impacted by economic trends, supply chain, technology disruptions, and other factors. For example, real estate and construction recruitment depend on the housing market; teaching follows the educational system’s calendar.
Winter - 1st Quarter
In general, this is the peak of hiring since there is a new budget. APPLY!
January-April is the time for hiring tax and accounting professionals.
January-June hiring is high for more senior job seekers.
Spring - 2nd Quarter
College grads, get ready! Companies are out looking for fresh talent, starting March-April.
With nicer weather and in preparation for the summer hiring increases for Construction, Tourism and Hospitality.
Seasonal hiring starts to fill out for summer positions in entertainment, food, transportation, hospitality.
Summer - 3rd Quarter
In early summer, schools are looking for replacement of teachers and other school employees not returning in the fall.
Seasonal positions hiring continues. It’s a slow season for permanent positions.
Fall - 4th Quarter
Back to school, back to work!
Hiring picks up after the summer; managers are hiring to use whatever money they have left before they loose it.
Recruitment starts for seasonal holiday positions in Retail, Warehousing, Transportation, Sales, Customer Service.
Screening for candidates to be hired after the new year starts during this quarter.
If you need help with your job search, I can assist you.
Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!
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