From stuck to action
From stuck to action
Feeling stuck is normal, staying stuck is not.
Are you stuck in the past? You keep thinking about the awesome things you did in the past and you can’t recognize the awesomeness in your present.
Or are you stuck in the future? You might be obsessed with being promoted or taking a leadership role instead of focusing on the now and the progress you need to make to access the future.
Either way - past of future - you need to get unstuck!
Take some time to review you career and gain clarity:
what are your goals?
what are the barriers?
what do you need to get there?
Now, break it down each in small increments and start addressing them, one by one.
Here are seven common career mistakes that can trip you up and how, with some proactive work, you can overcome them and tackle your current job (and future jobs) with renewed perspective and purpose.
If you need help, I can assist you. Don’t give up!
Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!
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