Limiting Beliefs
Limiting Beliefs
we all have them
We all have those thoughts that repeat themselves over and over again in our heads. Where do they come from?
Beliefs can stem from childhood, cultural background, organized religion, the education system, friends, the media, etc. They land in your brain to stay if you don’t question them. It takes some work to realize you have them and they create fences that prevent us from reaching higher.
Limiting beliefs are about yourself, your relationships, or how the world around you works. The thing is, most limiting beliefs are false but our brain is so used to them that it continues to cancel evidence of the contrary. In order to work to uncover your limiting beliefs, you must do some work to identify them. You look at the details: your timeframes, your patience and expectations. Usually, limiting beliefs are fear based, we don’t want to be ridiculed, criticized or rejected. We want to be accepted, celebrated, and loved.
Limiting beliefs sound like this:
“I am too young” or “I am too old”
“I am not smart enough”
“I am afraid of trying and failing”
“I’ve already tried everything”
“It’s selfish for me to want more”
“I don’t deserve them”
“All the good ones are taken”
If you hold any of these self-limiting beliefs, it’s time to look at your situation from another perspective.
Some exercises you can do to overcome your limiting beliefs are:
Find your top strengths and examples that support them (achievements)
Conduct a “mirror” feedback survey: ask people to highlight your strengths and provide examples for each
Reflection: What comes naturally to you? What would you do all day if it wasn’t for other commitments? What brings you joy?
Analyze your last 3 performance reviews: can you find evidence that goes against your limiting beliefs?
After completing this work, you will have the tools to battle your limiting beliefs (those voices) when they show up. In addition, if you find some gaps in your skills - hard or soft - you can now identify resources to work on them. You can now establish your learning goals and move forward without anything or anyone stopping you.
Always feel free to reach out to me with any questions here.
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