You are more than your job title
You are more than your job title
Taking time to reflect on who you are and the qualities you bring to the table will enable you to highlight them during a job interview. Have you ever thought about how would you describe yourself, or how others would describe you? If you were asked this question, what would you say?
The first step to a successful job search is self-reflection and assessment, taking the time to discover and reflect on who you are and what you are looking for. This exercise would bring focus to your career exploration and allow you to narrow down your options.
Asking others to describe you will also allow you to discover your strengths, skills and personality. Feedback from your family, peers, direct reports, clients, and managers would bring a different perspective and also confirm your self-assessment in many areas. In addition, think about the reasons why people ask you for help, what do they need that you provide? Is that an indication of a particular skills or personality trait?
You can also review the testimonials you have received. For what personality traits are you being praised for? Are you supportive, understanding, analytical, creative?
Take the time to reflect about yourself
· Choose 8 words you would use to describe yourself
· Next, choose another 8 words (you can’t repeat) that friends or peers would use to describe you
· Then, choose another 8 that your boss, supervisor, professors would use
· Continue with 8 more that people you have led would use to describe you
· Lastly, think about people you have served (clients, customers), how would they describe you?
Create your supporting stories
Now that you have an inventory of words that describe you, think about how you would demonstrate those strengths. What stories could you tell that support that you are a creative person? Or that you are a leader?
I can help you review the descriptors’ words and create the accomplishment stories that support them.
Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!
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