How can a Career Coach help you?

Career Decision Making

How can

a Career Coach

help you?

People often don’t know why they make career choices.

Career coaching help people gain focus on:

  • the job market, what is OUT there

  • the individual, what’s IN there

  • the match between what the job market wants and what the individual’s needs

A career coach helps a client:

  • IMAGINE career ideas: a career coach help individuals review their life experiences to generate new ideas. Some of the best career paths emerge from brainstorming and talking to other people

  • ASSUME responsibility: the client must take charge of the process, the coach provides the structure, accountability, and empowerment

  • IDENTIFY strengths: a coach can help an individual create an inventory of skills, values, interests that provide the self-knowledge and confidence to move forward into the world of work

  • DEAL with negative emotions and thoughts that inhibit or slow career progress: many individuals face anxiety, fear, too much contemplation, and little action. A coach helps develop strategies to overcome barriers and find ways to manage negative emotions

  • CREATE an action plan: a career coach shows clients the steps needed towards a career goal that is realistic

  • FIND information: to help clarify, understand, and validate

  • PRACTICE role-playing: a career coach brings into coaching room situations that the client will be facing (networking, interviews, salary negotiation) and helps the client practice what to say, how to say it, and how to deal with responding to challenging questions

What is the Career Decision Making Process?

  1. Becoming aware of a need to make a career decision (unemployment, underemployment, new job, career transition)

  2. Learning about and/or re-evaluating personal skills, interests, values, roles, experiences

  3. Relating self-information to occupations and identifying career alternatives

  4. Obtaining information about those career alternatives (industry, target companies, roles and responsibilities, salaries)

  5. Identifying priorities among those alternatives based on a desired job criteria

  6. Recognizing gaps between alternatives and self

  7. Making an educated, informed, and experiential plan

  8. Moving forward with a plan

  9. Securing your next career step and planning to continue your self-development

Have a strategy

  • INTENTION - What’s your objective?

  • RESEARCH - What industry, companies, roles?

  • TARGET - What job titles, companies?

  • OUTREACH List - Who will you contact?

  • PREPARATION - Career Marketing materials, interview, salary negotiation

Get some help!

It can feel daunting to start a job exploration or search.

I can help you… Contact me and we can work together to build your plan. Let’s get started!

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.

You are more than your job title


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