Your ME folder

Career Accomplishments

Your ME folder

and your accomplishments

When I sit down with a client to go over their career, we come to the question “What have been your most important accomplishments in your current job (or last job)?” There is a moment of hesitation, the question takes clients by surprise. Obviously, there is no pressure. I give them the task to write down all their accomplishments in bullet form for our next meeting. I request that they write the list by themselves and then use the list of questions I provide to help them recall and add more accomplishments. During our next meeting, I read their list and also compare it with their resume’s bullet points.

It’s interesting how, in general, people have a hard time recollecting their accomplishments and talking about them too. So, I recommend everyone to create a ME folder. A simple Google Doc where you can develop the habit of recording your accomplishments on a weekly basis. The best way to do this is scheduling 15 minutes each week to write down what you’ve accomplished. You can write bullets including: the progress you’ve made in your projects, the emails you’ve received praising your work, customer feedback, and the conversations with your boss or colleagues when they appreciate your contribution. Be specific and ask others to provide you with details, ask “What was great about what I did?”

The best way to stick to tracking your accomplishments is to schedule this task as if it was a meeting, uninterrupted time. You can make this appointment with yourself for different days of the week, perhaps one week on a Friday and the next week on a Thursday afternoon. Write 3-4 bullets each week.

In the ME folder you can also keep track of your training, all those registration emails or certificates of attendance PDF files. When it’s time to update your resume, advocate for yourself at work, prepare for your annual performance review, or for an interview, all you have to do is review your ME folder and summarize your accomplishments.

Your accomplishments are what makes you different from other candidates or colleagues. Accomplishments are proof, they are where your value resides. Go now and start your ME folder, it will help you stay motivated and productive, and be a resource to reflect on your career.

Always feel free to reach out to me with any questions here.

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.

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