What is Happenstance?

Career Serendipity

What is Happenstance?

and how it relates to your job search

Have you ever been amazed by people you’ve met or by the opportunities you’ve had in your career or life? We say to ourselves “I was so lucky!” But luck is no accident, this is actually the name of a book authored by John D. Krumboltz and Al S. Levin. Their “Planned Happenstance Learning Theory” is usually called Happenstance Theory.

The key point of this theory is that career planning is an ongoing series of events, some planned but mostly unplanned. To take advantage of these unplanned opportunities, one must:

·      Be aware of the surroundings and notice the opportunities

·      Take risk and try, even when you get rejected

·      Be open minded and flexible, engage, say “yes”

Unplanned events happen all the time, they are economic recessions, wars, hurricanes, and the ongoing 2020 pandemic. People must adapt positively and are forced to reinvent themselves, this adjustment not only impact individuals but also industries, cities, and the world.

The Happenstance Theory is applied to career planning but it has a holistic approach to life. There is no one single way in which life is more meaningful, your life can be meaningful in multiple ways (health, relationships, nature, creativity, etc).

So, how do you create your own luck?

·      Goals are subject to change, keep your eyes open

·      Unplanned events will impact your outcomes, be ready to pivot

·      A change might offer a better option, stay awake

·      Different activities will inform your likes and dislikes, stay engaged

·      Mistakes and failures happen, learn from them

·      Always be learning – wonder, try, learn

·      Stay positive, engage in activities that make YOUR life rich.


Enjoy your life! The Good Life is a Balanced Life.


“Luck is no accident: making the most of happenstance in your life and career”

John D. Krumboltz, Al S. Levin – 2nd edition (2010)

Always feel free to reach out to me with any questions here.

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.


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