LinkedIn Recommendations: how to request or write one
LinkedIn Recommendation
How to request or write one
LinkedIn members are able to recommend each other and recognize a colleague, employee, a business owner, contractor, consultant, or student. Use this section to highlight your contributions to teams, your accomplishments and what others have said about your work.
Recommendations are social evidence/testimonials of your strengths including your skills, values, personal traits and team/project performance.
· The Recommendations section of your profile is only displayed once you give or receive a recommendation.
· Only one recommendation can be sent to each person in their network.
· There is no limit to the number of recommendations you can request or give.
Select at least 3-4 1st connections (managers, customers, clients) for whom you have performed work or services. When you contact a connection with a recommendation request and then provide you with one, you will receive a notification via LinkedIn message.
You’ll have to accept a recommendation to display it on your profile and it will become visible to your network. After accepting a recommendation, you can choose to hide it. You can also request a revision.
It’s a good idea to provide a recommendation in return. You will receive a request.
REQUEST a recommendation:
a) From your profile
1. At the top of your LinkedIn homepage, click the Me icon and select View profile
2. Scroll down to the Recommendations section and click Ask to be recommended
3. Type the name of the connection you'd like to ask for a recommendation in the Who do you want to ask? Field and select the name from the dropdown that appears
4. Fill out the Relationship and Position at the time fields of the recommendations pop-up window, and click Next. You can include a personalized message with your request by changing the text in the message field
5. Click Send
b) From a connection’s profile
1. Go to the profile of the 1st-degree connection you'd like to request a recommendation from
2. In the top section of the profile, Click the More icon
3. Select Request a recommendation
4. Fill out the Relationship and Position at the time fields of the recommendations pop-up window, and click Next. You can include a personalized message with your request by changing the text in the message field.
5. Click Send.
ACCEPT a recommendation:
a) From the message through your LinkedIn account
1. At the top of your LinkedIn homepage Click the Messaging icon
2. Select the Review Recommendation message from the left rail of the Messaging page
· Or you can select the Review Recommendation message from the LinkedIn messaging conversation window and click on the link
3. Click the link provided in the message to view the recommendation
4. From the Pending recommendations pop-up window click Add to profile. You can click on Dismiss if you don't want to add that recommendation to your profile
b) From the message through your LinkedIn account
1. Log in to the email account you have associated with LinkedIn
2. Locate the recommendation email and open it
3. Click the link provided in the message to Review Recommendation
4. From the Pending recommendations pop-up window, click Add to profile. You can click Ignore if you don’t want to accept the recommendation
HIDE/UNHIDE a recommendation:
a) you’ve RECEIVED:
1. At the top of your LinkedIn homepage, Click the Me icon and View profile
2. Scroll to the Recommendations section and click the Edit icon in the top right corner
3. On the Received tab of the pop-up window, locate the recommendation you want to hide or unhide
4. Switch the toggle to Show or Hide
5. Click Save
b) you’ve GIVEN:
1. At the top of your LinkedIn homepage, Click the Me icon and View profile
2. Scroll to the Recommendations section and click the Edit icon in the top right corner
3. Click the Given tab at the top of the pop-up window and locate the recommendation you want to hide or unhide
4. Click Visible to: and select Only you, Your connections, or Public
5. Click Save