Career Transition for Moms

Career Transition for Moms



According to a recent Pew research study, millennial parents are choosing to stay home more than Gen X parents.

·      93% of women who left the paid workforce say they would like to return.

·      Only 74% of the women who left their career were able to return to paid work through:

part time positions (24%), self-employment (9%), or full time employment (40%).

If you are a Mom thinking about returning to work, here are 10 helpful tips:

1) A pause in a long term career is normal, especially for women who most of the time are the caregivers

2) Plan your transition: communicate your decision to your family, plan how you will balance life/work

3) Start talking to your village: they’ll be eager to support you, don’t be afraid to ask

4) Think about your transferable skills (i.e. communication, organization, fundraising)

5) Include the work you’ve been doing PT, gigs, volunteer: paid or unpaid is all experience, describe it in relationship to what the employer is looking for

6) Present your value and skills clearly, develop your success stories

7) Identify your knowledge or skill gap: what are you missing? can you develop some experience in those areas thru volunteer work or classes? do you need a certification? any special training?

8) Use your network: make a list of the people you know who can help you identify other opportunities, introduce you to employers, work to expand your network

9) Demonstrate your commitment: are you ready to stay? are you really excited?

10) Search for flexible workplaces: Computer/IT, Project Management, Customer Service, Sales, Education & Training, Accounting & Finance

Returning to work requires A PLAN, and


If you need help, I can assist you with your return to work plan

Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.

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