Interview Preparation
Prepare for your Interview
A job interview preparation starts with research:
the company/organization, department, people attending the meeting, job description, latest news about the company
checking the employer’s website, products/services, customers, pricing, customer journey
identifying the employer’s challenges and opportunities
anticipating questions, crafting the answers, and rehearsing out loud
carefully review the job description, explain how you meet each of the job and qualifications requirements
confirm all the interview details: who, what, where, when, how
be flexible, enthusiastic, confident, and yourself
For virtual interviews:
make sure you have used or can research the platform being used (Zoom, Google Teams, others)
practice using backup (phone, laptop)
check the lighting in your room, you want to the interviewer to be able to see your face
use earbuds or headset
Non-technical details:
ask how you can get in touch in case there is a technical issue (phone, email)
practice your answers, you can use your FaceTime to rehearse in front of a camera and be able to see yourself
record your answers using your phone, review and keep practicing
make eye contact, use your natural voice
check for the use of vocal fillers (Umm, so, yeah, like)
have your resume and your notes at hand, do a first practice with your notes and then without them
Recorded Interview - also known as one-way interviews
It’s an interview where the interviewer isn't present when the candidate answers the questions. Questions concerning a specific job are pre-set and recruiters send candidates a link through which they can record their answers within a deadline.
These are automated questions that generally cause the interviewee lots of anxiety since there is no conversation. The best way to prepare is to research the platform (Sonru, ModernHire, HireVue, Spark Hire), there are lots of videos on YouTube. Look for tutorials, here are a couple: HireVue Interview, Top 10 Tips.
Typically, they ask the same question in different ways, be consistent with your answers.
Assessments: are used to discover personality and better predict future performance.
Ask what type of assessment will be used: personality; decision making; communication style.
Think about…
Why do you want this position?
How does your skillset apply to this job?
Top 3 reasons they should hire you: define and elaborate, what’s the benefit of each (you can learn/problem solve faster, you’ve done this before)
What qualities are needed to be successful in this role? How does your personality fit in?
How do you overcome obstacles and come up with solutions?
What’s your ability to take on new things?
What have you done and what can you do? (transferable skills)
How do your professional values connect with the company’s values?
What is your leadership style, how do you lead? how do you manage diversity?
SALES: understand the product and customers’ needs; how do you build relationships; how do you deal with competition?; are you eager to learn?; are you a risk taker?
ENTREPRENEURS going back to a company: can you transition back to a structured environment? what are you looking for now? do you want to be there? prepare for situational questions.
Accomplishments - Success Stories
Take the time to write down your stories.
What was the situation?
What was the task?
What was your action?
What was the result?
Master your messages and stories. The interview is your time to shine!
If you need help preparing for your interview, I can assist you.
Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!
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