Three Words
Three Words
Inspirational and helpful to guide our actions
Words have power, they affect our lives and behaviors.
For the past three years, I’ve been doing the exercise “The Three Words”. It was created by Chris Brogan - author, journalist, speaker – and introduced to me by another career coach.
It is a tool for building intentions and focus, a compass to keep you on the path you desire for the entire year. The words should reinforce those desires and the commitment to the changes you would like to make; they should inspire you in you work and life in general.
The idea is to start collecting words, preferably active verbs although they can also be nouns or adjectives. It takes some time to create a list but it’s fun.
Create your list of words
Evaluate your words, consider their definitions and if they really represent your intentions or not. Think: Do you like the word? Does it resonate with your desire?
Eliminate words until you end up with your top three. These words will guide your choices and actions during the year
Share your three words, and their meaning to you, with people
Post them in a place where you can see them daily. The more you see them, the easier it is for you to use them as your compass
During the year, check-in with yourself and see if you are following your desires; you would evaluate your actions and ask yourself “Do this align with my three words?”
In the past few years, my 3 words were:
2021: choices, share, impact
2022: understand, intuition, grow
This year, my 3 words are:
Connection, Creativity, Health
I shared my three words in an interview with my colleague – Jim Peacock, owner of Peak-Careers – to discuss our three words.
Watch the video here INTERVIEW: Exploring Our Three Words to Guide Us 2023
Have you done this exercise before?
If so, what are your three words?
If not, try it!
If you need help exploring career opportunities, I can assist you.
Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!
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