When you are being hired
When you are being hired
When you are invited to interview, you can not prepare for every question you will be asked but you can prepare for the most common and try to anticipate others by doing some research.
During a job interview, hiring managers will evaluate candidates based on:
Achievements (strengths)
Culture Fit
Areas of concern
Interviewers will evaluate you for: who you are, how you react to questions, how you talk about yourself, how you communicate your work experience, how you express the change you are seeking; your knowledge of fields and business. They will also assess your judgement, enthusiasm, initiative, your fit with your future boss, team and organization, and how you conduct yourself post-interview (hint: thank you email).
Some common interview questions you may be asked are:
What brought you here today?
How do projects make you feel?
How do you collaborate with others?
Who do you admire?
Have you ever wanted to be something else besides what you do now?
What past accomplishments males you feel proud?
What questions can you ask during an interview?
What is your leadership style?
What are the immediate priorities in this role?
What are the key challenges of this role?
What are key qualities of a successful candidate?
When you practice your interview answers, prepare examples that are relatable and can help a hiring manager remember you. When you use examples, the hiring team can visualize you doing the job.
As the interview comes to an end: confirm your interest in the role; ask if they need more information from you; ask about next steps and timeframe for hiring; thank the interviewers for meeting you.
And don’t forget to send that Thank you email after the interview - follow up with a comment regarding one of the topics you discussed during the interview or share a resource with the hiring manager/recruiter; make it personal, you want to be remembered.
If you need help preparing for your interview, I can assist you.
Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!
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