Thinking about quitting your job?

Quitting your job

Thinking about quitting your job?

If you are thinking about quitting your job, it’s time to stop and figure out what is going on. In general, people find themselves in one of these situations:


“Everything is bad”

“I haven’t like my job for a long time”

“I wish I didn’t have to be there”

“I use my time escaping, daydreaming with a million things instead of working”

These statements could all be signs that you are bored, perhaps you have stopped learning or you are no longer challenged. Most likely you are not engaged in any project you are working on, you feel uninspired. If this is you, you might feel comfortable, safe, and change is hard.

  • Think about what you would like to do next, what are the things you would like to learn. Identify at least 3 skills you would like to develop and strategize a plan to stay and grow in your position or leave and find a role where you can grow.


Sometimes life is hard and we are challenged by situations outside work that make you feel exhausted, with no energy to manage your responsibilities or projects. You might be going through a difficult situation that requires self-care or help from a professional.

  • Take care of yourself, seek help. When you are ready to get back, see if you can continue in your current role or you need a change.


You love your job, you’ve completed all the big projects, you’ve been promoted, there is no more room to grow. You are ready for a new challenge, a higher level position with more responsibilities and more challenges.

  • It’s time to fly. Make a list of all your ideas, wins and best strategies at your current company. Identify target companies where you would like to work, get the training you need if you have gaps, start networking and talk to recruiters in your target industry.

When you think about quitting your job it’s because you don’t want to do what you are doing anymore. Maybe you still enjoy your field but are not satisfied with your specific area of work. Maybe you’ve worked too far in a direction you are no longer interested in.

Identify what you want and work a plan to transition, to bring change and a challenge that you will enjoy.

Career change doesn’t always have to be upward, you can also make a lateral move - same role at a different company in the same or different industry.


If you need help developing in your career exploration, I can assist you.

Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.

Time is a nonrenewable resource


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