Time is a nonrenewable resource

Time is a nonrenewable resource

"Time is our most valuable nonrenewable resource, and if we want to treat it with respect, we need to set priorities" wrote physicist Albert-László Barabási. Career planning and a job search strategy can save you time.

In order to preserve your sanity, energy, and confidence in a job search, start from the beginning, be clear about your target role. Spend time taking inventory of where you’ve been (past experiences), who you are (personality, values, skills, accomplishments, support network), and where would you like to be (your destination, or target).

Don’t waste your time, it’s impossible and unrealistic to think that you can do whatever is out there. You are probably great at so many things but also not so good at other, or you probably won’t be interested or be frustrated with some of the roles available.

Having clarity about your target is the first in a job search and needs to be based on your own exploration of your interests, strengths, skills, successes. Your target will inform everything: your resume, your cover letter, the story you tell at an interview, your LinkedIn profile, and how to work once you get hired.

Sending applications without a target is not effective, you are wasting time including jobs that you are under-qualified or over-qualified for.

During your career planning phase, do your research:

WHO are you? our personality informs our interests

HOW do you operate? these are our priorities such as people, results, creation

WHY do you want to work in that role? values is our core, finding work that is aligned with our values ensures satisfaction

WHAT do you want to do? these are the skills you want to use

As you research employers and roles, spend time considering your values against those of your target organizations. Is there a match? Do their values align with yours? A values alignment is what will make you feel good about yourself and the work you are doing, you will feel proud of the organization, you will feel that you fit in, and your work will be relevant to you.

Don’t waste your time, preserve your energy and confidence, TARGET your job search.


If you need help with your research, I can assist you.

Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!

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Telma Sullivan

Telma Sullivan Career Coaching Services: helping individuals with their job search, career change, LinkedIn profiles, and interview and salary negotiation prep. Coaching online - individual and groups.


Creative Minds


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