Networking & LinkedIn
Networking and LinkedIn
Networking is marketing yourself; you are the seller and the product. Your brand is your uniqueness.
Networking is a planned process that requires making connections and becoming known. In these encounters, business, social or online, you can share who you are, your expertise, and your goals. Your network can provide insights and sometimes inside information on who’s hiring and potential job opportunities.
During networking, you can discover hidden jobs (not advertised). You can increase your knowledge about companies and industries and position yourself as a resource, someone who can solve problems and be of value to an employer.
A network is a web of personal relationships (think family and friends), professional relationships (colleagues, clients, vendors), people you met thru alumni/community/trade/philanthropic affiliations, those with whom you connected online (LinkedIn and other social media) or thru opportunistic meetings (the woman you met at the gym).
Social media in job searching = LinkedIn. As a candidate, you must leverage your LinkedIn profile as much as possible, demonstrating your professional credibility, keeping your profile current, and staying active and visible to potential employers.
Open yourself to opportunities to meet others, make new connections, stay in touch with old connections, share what you’re up to, help others sharing information and resources; relationships become referrals.
Career coaching helps you strategize your networking and provides you with resources on how to approach these meetings. Coaching will advise you on how to build, engage, and maintain your network. Are you ready?
Always feel free to reach out to me with any questions here.
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