Resume & Cover Letter
Your Resume & Cover Letter
Recruiters report that they spend only 6 seconds reviewing a resume. Top to bottom, 6 seconds!
Your resume needs to be easy to read, clear and organized, and draw the reader’s attention to what is most relevant. You have 6 seconds to convince a recruiter that you are the best candidate.
Many clients have not worked on their resume for a long time; they are confused about writing, formatting, and designing them. How can they explain specific circumstances? How can they present a gap in employment? Do they keep it one page, or is it okay to have more? What should they include, all or just some of their accomplishments?
During a coaching session, clients learn how to create a resume that hooks resume readers, showcases relevant accomplishments, and positions themselves for their next job. This process requires jobseekers to communicate strategically, think about their current career goals, and identify their top values, interests, and skills.
Cover letters are sent by email or included with application submission along with your resume. Cover letters can be your best chance to highlight how your expertise aligns perfectly with the job description. Again, you need to capture the recruiter’s attention, write to the point, and elicit an action - to call you for an interview.
A strong resume showcases YOU to potential employers - strong skills, significant achievements, relevant work experience, and education/certification/training that is the perfect match to their requirements. You have one shot and 6 seconds to present your qualifications through your resume. Make it the best representation of you.
Think about your brand. Your education, expertise, and knowledge identify your brand, and you must present and communicate it in your resume. What is your brand?
Always feel free to reach out to me with any questions here.
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