What are Your Options?
What are YOUR
Career Options?
When you think about career options, specially if you are unhappy or feel stuck in your current position, try to not try to find the “right” answer but to create a list with as many alternative courses of action as possible. Don’t think about if they make sense, if you can afford them, or if they are feasible.
“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” ~ Chris Grosser
Perhaps you are thinking about:
looking for a promotion
getting involved with a project led by another department
switching industry
switching your role
pursuing a Master’s degree or a certification
becoming a manager
moving up to a leadership position
leaving and starting your own business
becoming a contractor
becoming a consultant
leaving and retiring
There are so many options!
For each option, think about:
when would you reach your goal?
what obstacles you might have?
what support do you need?
what else? what can help you accelerate or delay the process?
If you need help identifying your career options, I can assist you. Working together, you can discover what some career options and a plan to pursue them.
Contact me and we can work together. Let’s get started!
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